Buyer Representation
Having a buyer representative looking out for your interests is the smart way to buy a commercial property. With a buyer rep from McCann Commercial Real Estate you can be sure that the closing price will be skewed in your favor, that all due diligence is accounted for, and that you’re getting the best possible deal. With over 30+ years of experience, we know what it takes to get you exactly what you’re looking for.

Buyer representation entails communicating with the seller’s designated closing agent throughout the entire transaction, contract-related review and advisory services, before signing and after it’s been signed, and negotiating the best possible price on behalf of buyer. Our agents represent and communicate your interest throughout the entire process, until it’s time to close.
Speak To a Buyer Representative
Not only does using a buyer rep guarantee you your best possible chance at settling at the price point you want, but you avoid facing any potential backlash from sellers who may feel slighted if offered less than the full asking amount. At McCann Commercial Real Estate, we understand the dynamic between buyers and sellers. The seller wants the high point and the buyer wants the low point. More importantly, we work with both sellers and buyers so we know how the seller rep is thinking! As a result, we can confidently get you a final price you’ll be happy with. Not only do you get peace of mind regarding the negotiations, but you don’t have to manage the stress and time it takes to take answer calls and emails.
1. Network
With over 30 years in the game and tens of thousands of clients, we’re sure to have the qualified properties you’re looking for. Our property prospecting process involves both cold and warm methods of solicitation, utilizing our vast network to identify potential sellers. Additionally, we use our extensive list of databases to comb through the area for businesses who might not be in our network, that might be looking sell.
2. Competitive Analyses
More often than not, a business or property owner looking to sell is going to vet multiple buyers. We know this because we also provide seller representation. This means we can think like the owners of the property that you’re after. We leverage this knowledge by analyzing other competing vacant properties in the area and leverage competitive pricing and amenities during negotiation.
3. Leverage
The McCann Commercial has listed and marketed tens of thousands of properties. Needless to say, we know what a good deal is for both sellers and buyers. We have access to a vast network of listing databases as well as traditional marketing resources. When working with us, we’ll be sure to leverage all of our research and analyses when negotiating a deal.