Landlord Representation
McCann Commercial Real Estate is committed to working closely with landlords to create the highest possible return on investment for their real estate assets. We closely analyze local markets in order to identify opportunities that will enable you to maximize values, fill vacancies, and relinquish leases quickly while retaining tenants who are reputable businesses or individuals – all through our expertise!
We also have experience developing strategies when it comes time sell properties so if this sounds like something up your alley then talk to us about Landlord Representation today!

Landlords are always looking for the best ways to maximize their properties’ value, right? Of course! To do this, you might want someone on hand who can provide you with valuable insight and guidance. That’s where a landlord representative comes in! Our landlord reps work hard at filling vacancies so you don’t have any surprises when moving into your next apartment; keeping reputable tenants from leaving by offering better terms than other competing landlords (and vice versa); improving co-tenancy agreements between neighboring buildings – all while developing strategies specific towards each property type: residential vs commercial.
Speak To a Landlord Representative
As a Landlord your property is like your lifeline. It’s imperative that you are always prepared to fill vacancies in your retail, office, or industrial spaces but also consistently negotiating contracts in your favor all while retaining your cooperative tenants. Unfortunately, as a Landlord it’s likely that you have your hands in a lot of different buckets, leaving you with either a lack of time, resources, or knowledge to ensure you’re always making the most advantageous decisions. That’s what our landlord reps are for. When you get landlord representation with the McCann Commercial Real Estate team, these are the 3 most important things you’ll be able to add to your list of resources:
1. Network
With over 30 years in the game and tens of thousands of clients, we’re sure to have the qualified tenants you’re looking for. Our tenant prospecting process involves both cold and warm methods of solicitation, utilizing our vast network to identify potential tenants. Additionally, we use our extensive list of databases to comb through the area for businesses who might not be in our network, that might be seeking an expansion opportunity.
2. Competitive Analyses
More often than not, a business looking to relocate is going to weigh multiple options. We know this because we also provide tenant representation. This means we can think like your potential tenants. We leverage this knowledge by analyzing other competing vacant properties in the area and pursue tenants on the search who would wreap more benefits if they were under your roof, and not another landlords’.
3. Professional Marketing
The McCann Commercial has listed and marketed tens of thousands of properties. Needless to say, we know what it takes to capture the attention of tenants digitally and physically. We have access to a vast network of listing databases as well as traditional marketing resources. When working in tandem, you’re guaranteed to fill your vacancy with a desirable tenant.